When The World Was New

you can now hear this song in the “ME” section of this website www.neiljackson.me/me

Also – sign up for the news letter and you can download the song for FREE



As a thanks to all of you for your continued support, I have made one of my songs available for you to download FOR FREE.  Please sign up for my news letter now and you get a free download of one of the songs from the album, “The Little Things”.  Enjoy 🙂

Free Download

Welcome to my new website.  In the next couple of weeks I will be releasing a song from my debut album, “The Little Things”, for you to download for FREE.  Keep visiting the site for updates on this and other news and releases, or follow me on Twitter.

New Song

was just playing around on my guitar and this song came out.  Love it when that happens 🙂

Welcome to my new website!

www.neiljackson.me is now officially online!

In the next couple of weeks I will be releasing an EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW of “Holding A Candle”, the first single from my debut album, “The Little Things”